Rachael’s Tuesday Stress Busting Tip
A very happy new year, a very happy new you.
WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY – How great does it feel to be doing something that makes you happy? Laugher, friendship, family, being engrossed in a hobby you love are all great ways to help reduce stress and allows the mind time to relax and concentrate on something fun for a while.
REFLECT - A new year is a great time to reflect on the things that really make YOU HAPPY or the new things you would like to try.
SET A DATE – Make a decision to go for it and incorporate more happiness into your life. Take action on your decision. Set a date to see that wonderful friend that makes you laugh, find out where they run classes in that new hobby you would like to try and book a taster session, make the time to read that book you keep putting to one side. It’s important to take some time for you and is a great and fun way to reduce stress levels.
If you need extra help reducing your stress levels contact DAWN Coaching & Therapy today.
Stress Busting Tips brought to you by Rachael of DAWN Coaching & Therapy.
Email: dawncoachingtherapy@gmail.com
Mobile: 07481476149