Sometimes life can feel stressful and rather grey. Break the mental state by doing something a bit wacky and fun …
SAMENESS – A great article I just read states that “When you keep trying to apply the same solutions to old problems all you get is the same results. If you want to develop your emotional strength, you have to be a scientist. Experiment with many different solutions and notice what works and what doesn’t.”
WEIRD - The article goes on to suggest taking a weird break and doing something out of the ordinary to relieve stress; something that makes you laugh, gives your mind a rest and allows you to be a bit of a kid again for a while. Here are some suggestions:
· Make as many funny sounds using a piece of paper as possible
· Stand on one leg and breathe – where people can see you
· Admit a weird thing you did as a kid to a co worker
· Walk around the office backwards
Give it a go and see how you feel differently. You can read the full article here.
If you need support and new ways to reduce your stress levels contact DAWN Coaching & Therapy today.
Email: dawncoachingtherapy@gmail.com
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