Rachael Dawn Forsberg
Here's some information about who I am and what I do...please contact me if you have any questions or want to know more.
About Me
I am passionate about working with businesses to improve the well-being of their employees and enabling my private clients to overcome life's hurdles and succeed.
I have a Psychology degree and have previously worked as a HR Project Director. The part of my HR job that I loved the most was coaching. After experiencing the positive benefits of NLP coaching myself for stress and anxiety I knew that I wanted to learn and become skilled in those techniques. They really worked for me and I wanted to help others move forward in life through providing a professional, ethical and effective coaching and therapy service.
I specialize in helping people to keep their minds fit and healthy, in improving sleep and relaxation.
I work with both businesses, providing interactive training, workshops or 1:1 wellness clinics and private clients. I love seeing a client walk out of a session with the techniques, motivation and confidence they need to succeed.
I am a fully certified Mental Health First Instructor, Cognomie Mental Fitness Coach, Master Practitioner in NLP, NLP and mBIT Coaching, Hypnotherapy and Time Line Therapy™ and have trained in Advanced Treatment Strategies for People with Insomnia, The R.E.S.T Programme.
To find out more call me or book your free confidential pre-consultation today.

Qualifications & Experience
BSc (Hons) Psychology
Mental Health First Aid Instructor, MHFA England
Advanced Assessment and Treatment Strategies for People with Insomnia, The R.E.S.T. Programme, Dr David Lee
Cognomie Mental Fitness Coach
NLP Master Coach
Master Practitioner in NLP
Master Practitioner in Hypnotherapy
Master Practitioner in Time Line Therapy™
Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel Management (CIPD)
Chartered Human Resource Professional (Chartered MCIPD)
National General Certificate in Occupational Safety & Health
mBIT Coach
KG Hypnobirthing Teacher
13 years HR experience
13 years experience in coaching and mentoring