Struggling with stress, anxiety, change, loss or a difficult situation, can all take it's toll on your physical and emotional well-being. That's why I'm so passionate about helping clients to keep their minds fit and healthy. I provide practical techniques and take-home strategies for you to put into immediate use.
Why it's worth investing in fit mind education...
When stresses and strains occur in your life becoming aware of when pressure starts to build and then having a set of tools and techniques to enable you to better cope with lives ups and downs is invaluable.
"Mental ill-health, including stress, depression and anxiety, is thought to be responsible for 91 million lost working days each year, more than for any other illness.
Analysts believe that this sickness absence costs £8.4 billion each year, plus another £15.1 billion in reduced productivity. A further £2.4 billion is lost replacing staff who leave work because of mental ill-health. Overall, recent estimates put the cost to UK employers at £30 billion each year." (Source: ACAS 2017)"
Working with Businesses
A workforce that is able to keep their minds healthy is happier, more resilient and effective.
I work with your business to deliver effective and practical advice to your teams in a format that works for you:
From an employee perspective:
"Rachael gave me practical tips and coping strategies to try and really challenge myself on some of my thoughts and feelings that had been affected by chronic tiredness and depression. With Rachael’s help I successfully returned to work with a good understanding of what I need to do differently with some real life practical ways to manage work and life"
Contact me today for more information on how I can help your organisation.
Working with Private Clients
I just don't know how to stop my thoughts whirling, I always think so negatively, its all going wrong. Those are just some of the issues my clients have come to see me about. In our sessions we will focus on getting your thoughts and life back on track.
From a clients perspective:
"I have been to see Rachael a few times re negative thoughts, stress management and constant worrying. She has a very relaxed and unusual approach with practical real life exercises which really help and do work. It has made me view things from a different perspective and realise that there is help out there for problems that you think can't be solved. Highly recommended."
Contact me today for more information on how I can help you.