Laughter has both short and long term benefits for stress reduction.
SHORT TERM – Laughter not only helps clear the mind and makes things seem more light hearted, it can also have great physical benefits. It enhances the intake of oxygen rich air and increases the endorphins (natural pain and stress fighters) released by your brain, it fires up and then cools down your stress response giving a relaxed feeling and it can aid muscle relaxation which helps reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.
LONG TERM – Long terms effects of laughter may include boosting the immune system, relieving pain, helping to deal with difficult situations more easily and in general helping to improve your mood. Continue to read the article here.
GIVE IT A GO – Watch a funny movie, look up some funny jokes online and spend time with the people that make you laugh. Try bringing laughter into your life every day for a week and notice how the muscles relax and your stress reduces.
If you need extra help reducing your stress levels contact DAWN Coaching & Therapy today.
Stress Busting Tips brought to you by Rachael of DAWN Coaching & Therapy.
Email: dawncoachingtherapy@gmail.com
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